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Alexandre Cosentino, freelance guide for quite twenty years, and Traveler in his soul since his childhood, Franco-Italian culture, initiated his nomadic adventure with "trekking" tours, in small groups "buffs" hiking island of Reunion, in Polynesia, Corsica and Madeira.
This first experience, combining the already long-standing passion of geology and botany, was based on a university education in history and history of ancient Greek and Middle Eastern art and the practice of four foreign languages, Italian , Castilian, Portuguese and English.
Trained in the development of itineraries and budget management for three years at Nouvelles Frontières, his circuits "en liberté" brought him all around of the Indian Ocean, from Madagascar to the distant Indonesian islands of Sonde by way of Mauritius.
Always in the concern of acquiring new techniques and experiences, guiding with enthusiasm and passion his fellow travelers in the lively spirit of exploration and the meeting of worlds, Alexandre had the opportunity to take a new direction in the care of more classical groups mainly in Europe with Fram Voyages for six years.
At the same time, his interest in photography has led him to develop another vision of travel, both synthetic and aesthetic, since 2007 through the presentation of slide conferences and photographic exhibitions with associations, communities, works councils or schools.
From Scandinavia to warm Australia, from southern Africa to Polynesia, or from Latin America to Uzbekistan, fifty or so countries across five continents, including a deep knowledge of the Indian world, South East Asia.
His last collaboration, nourished by his experiences of guide and conferral, was to be the ambassador of the range of exploration circuits of Verdié Voyages as a communication officer.
His knowledge of the field, by his professional contribution and by many personal identifications, allows him now, to leave with Friends travelers and independent professional collaborators whose philosophy of travel combines with respect of cultures, the environment and concrete participation in local initiatives such as the help of agrarian communities, traditional schools, in Latin America among the Huaoranis of Ecuador, in India among Bheel of Rajasthan, or in Namibia with Himbas.
In 2016, Alexandre has just enriched, becoming Starlight Monitor of the Starlight Foundation based in the Canary Islands, promoting protection of the starry sky as Heritage of Humanity, his skills by joining the very specialized family of Astrotourism.
Let the unexpected meet unexpectedly, take the time to really connect with the worlds around us, "breathe" the extraordinary moments of lights and glances, beyond languages and cultures, all that is lived and what elevates to the level of personal experience the true journey and makes it last in our own heart, such is the Philosophy of the Voyage of Alexandre, according to the concept of slow travel or Slow tourism.
Like crossing a suspension bridge over a splendid valley and finding at the end the warm hospitality of the Host who awaits us, Alexandre with us, combines this adventure with rigor, responsiveness and creativity, constructive sitting in perpetual evolution in this humanist journey he invites us to live.
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